Sunday, 31 July 2011


Welcome to a new blog, dedicated to reviewing TV programs that have left our screen, and may have missed your radar. Rather than just give you an account of what the shows were about (isn't that what Wikipedia is for?) I'll try to delve a bit deeper into why they were good, or bad, what elements of the shows worked and which parts didn't. Don't be surprised if I fly off at an irrelevant tangent every so often, it's how my mind works - I'll do my best to get back on track before the blog entry finishes.

You may find entries coming sporadically. Sometimes a week or so may pass between entries, then you might see three at once. Perhaps I should rename this blog 'The number 9 bus' instead!

The reason for the blog? Simply to give me something to do, and at least I'll be writing on a topic I can feel passionately about. My previous blog was a personal account of 2 years of my life, but by the end was causing me more harm than good. This time, as the blog will not contain much of my private life, there is a good chance it might last for a while.

Hope you enjoy, and perhaps you might come across a TV show that intrigues you enough to hunt it down on DVD and give it a watch. You might be pleasantly surprised.

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